Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fall Semester

I've spent a majority of today planning my Fall Semester schedule. I will most likely be taking 16 credits. Yeah, it's quite the load, but I think it will be interesting and enjoyable. I've decided against a few classes I want to take because I really need to get my generals done. I figure when I start take harder math and biology, then i'll take less credits and more of the classes I enjoy, but for now, I think this will be a positive challenge for me.

I'm almost done with all my general requirements, so I really need to start narrowing down my career options. I've been leaning towards graphic design lately, but I'm not absolutely certain. I'm going to talk to an advisor at school and see if this could be a good option for me. Because I have so many conflicting interests and certain intellectual needs, it difficult trying to figure out a good career that works for my personality so I can make a living, but not want to shoot myself in the head every day of my life. I feel like I'll be double majoring in two very different areas and minoring in something equally random. I'm drawn to the sciences, but I'm not very good at math. I'm an artist, but I need something that stimulates my brain and forces me to solves problems or consider several different ideas and or concepts. It's hard for me to deny my inner nerd and my inner artist. This is the biggest problem with me coming up with a possible career. I've also considered being a Veterinarian Assistant, Radiologist (X-ray Technician), Forensic Scientist, etc. How I'm going to figure out what I want to do... I don't know.

Anyway, I'm taking the following classes in the fall:

- MAT0990 ~ I'm retaking it. I failed Math1010 because my teacher expected us to know most of the concepts already, but I hadn't learned them when I took 0990. I need the review. I just retook 0950 and I have an A. This will probably be the first A in math I have ever received in my entire life. I deserve a freaking running high five for that. Seriously.

- Intro to American Indian Studies ~ After taking American Civilization from the greatest history teacher I have ever had in my life, he really inspired me to take this class and find out if a minor in Native American Studies would be right for me. I think it will be interesting and I've heard a lot of good things.

- Psychology 1010 ~ I LOVED psychology in high school. I got 110% in the class. I fell in love with the complexity of the human brain. I don't want to be a therapist especially after doing some volunteer work. I get too emotionally involved. Maybe I could do social work for adoptions or something. A lot of people tell me to consider it because I'm very empathetic, but I think I would have to job shadow or something. Anyway, I am interested in taking some of the other psychology courses, but 1010 is a prerequisite.

- Geology 1010 ~ I need another science credit for my generals and the professor I'm taking it from is one of the easier ones. Being the nerd that I am, I have seriously considered becoming a geologist for many years. It's the math that keeps me away from the science majors, even though I think I'd enjoy them.

- Drawing I ~ Yeah, I think I may be a little too advanced for this class, but I honestly haven't seriously drawn anything for a year or so, just dumb little sketches in my notebooks. The teacher I might take it from is a tough grader. This is what I need. I need someone to push me artistically. I thrive on that kind of criticism and feedback.

I'm pretty excited for fall. I'm going to have no social life, but I'll be a lot closer to being done with all the annoying generals and I can focus on (a) possible major(s). This is good news.

1 comment:

  1. I took Geology 1010H, I really liked... but it was a new format that semester and the professor wasn't the most organized so I dropped it to lighten my load. Look into the Honors class, see how it is run now. When I took it we met twice a week and the second time was a field trip.

    I had the same struggle with math. Failed 105, took time off of school, went back and tested into 0950. Step by step, relearning the concepts, figure out how to LEARN math, and kick it's ass.

    As for a major... ask your advisor about the Integrated Studies program. You select two areas of discipline, take some core classes in both, and write a senior thesis and you have a degree specialized for YOU. It is one of the best programs at UVU.
