Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Life After Midterm Hell...

I only have a math midterm left which I'm not worried about and my midterms are officially over. I cannot even begin to explain how happy this makes me. 

I have been so exhausted from all the homework I've had to do. Some of it I had to really half ass because I had no time to spend on it with my work schedule. I got two hours of sleep two days in a row since I had to stay up and type papers or read various assignments. I'm tired. I was supposed to go to my Humanities class this morning, but from my lack of sleep, I slept through my cell phone alarm even though it was on vibrate and it shakes my entire bed. Oh well. There's nothing I can do about it now. My body is in the process of recovering. When I get really stressed, my body revolts. I have had the worst neck and back pains. I'm shocked I didn't get any migraines. Midterms usually do that to me. 

I've decided that with my next paycheck I'm going to reward myself with:

1.) A new cell phone (one that I haven't dropped 17 times in a day and also in a puddle of water...oops, sorry Blackberry!) and one that actually works consistently. Two of my friends have the HTC Evo 4g phone and I always steal their phones and play around with them. It's a fantastic phone! My friend has been telling me to get one so we can play games against each other and even Skype each other. I plan on getting one shortly.

2.) A massage. I deserve it. My body is in so much pain.

I just need to wait until the 15th because that is when I get paid next. :)

I might be changing my work schedule for the summer. I'm trying to decide between the morning shift and the later morning-early evening shift. I'm supposed to decide soon before they start hiring more people. I might pick the later morning-early evening shift. I can't work nights for the summer anymore, it makes me even more socially retarded than I already am. I need to have the ability to socialize with people outside of work and do fun things.

I also need to start meditating. No joke. I always say this, but I really need to start again. My mind is ridiculous and I need to learn to control it from flitting around like crazy. I might take some yoga classes too. 

I've decided to not go to India in October. I'm sad, but I think it will be better for me to save my money and go to school. Taking a semester off will make me fall behind and I would have to miss 10 days of school for the trip to India and there's no way I could recover grade-wise from missing that much school. I also think I should be saving up to move out. It is critical at this point in my life to work towards that. I think it would improve many things in my life to live on my own. I may not be able to afford Italy in 2012, but I'm going to try! I really want to go! School credit and a vacation? Sign me the hell up!

I need to get my hair done. I haven't dyed it in 3 or 4 months. Because it was dyed with demi-permanent color, it fades, but you can see my natural brown even more now and I'm not liking it. I also need to change the style. I might try bangs. I've been looking at pictures lately for ideas. Now, obviously I'm not Asian, but I LOVE this girl's hair. I think I can pull it off. What do you think (for those who know me personally)?

Well, that's been my life lately and what has been on my mind. I will begin writing about movies again shortly. I need to find my list of movies first. I will write about my phobias next. It will be a good time. :)

By the way, I've been getting a ton of hits on my blog lately, even from different countries from around the world, so thanks for visiting and stalking me. ;) Feel free to comment or if you have any ideas for future blogs or want me to talk about anything in particular let me know.

(Hopefully your suggestions won't be too personal though... you can go to my other, more pessimistic blog, PSYCHOBABBLE, for the more personal, dramatic, bullshit I think in my crazy, little head, but that's about as personal as I will get in this format.)

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