I started making a list of songs, but my list grew and grew and grew, so I figured I would just make a playlist instead. Sure, I don't think anyone in their right mind would actually listen to this whole thing, but it will give you a good idea of the stuff I listen to.
You may notice that I tend to listen to more "sad" songs, but I prefer them because I find they have more power and depth. It makes me feel better. Some of them are really random and many songs that I listen to aren't on this playlist because they were too rare to find on playlist.com.
I'm curious, what songs do you guys listen to?
P.S. I just noticed that the song the plays on "Whatever Happens" by Michael Jackson is NOT the right song AT ALL. The real song is fabulous.
I love that Last of the Mohicans song, that song really inspires me. Makes me want to go to war, I know, weird.
ReplyDeleteI'm digin' that Evanescence too. But I'll tell you my secret. I actually listen to video game music all day long. I don't like lyrical music much because IT puts in my head what IT wants, but I want to be able to imagine what I want. Well video games have music for just about any theme or feeling and they're practially all lyric-less. That's what I love.
We all have our weirdness Jo.
I went though the list and found a few I'll explore later on. I saw the Metallica selection and thought "hum, she likes the new stuff." Then I realized Enter Sandman is almost 20 years old... wow. I feel their best album was "And Justice For All..." Prior to that they had some good songs but the alums were not very polished. After that they seemed cliché. However, that was also about the time of my life when I grew tired of hair and heavy metal in general.
ReplyDeleteI also like sad music. My favorite melancholy music is by Simon and Garfunkle. I also really enjoy Nick Drake.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy songs without lyrics as well. I actually listen to a lot of soundtracks. There could be another giant playlist for just those though. I listen to a lot of classical music as well. I through the one from Last of the Mohicans because that soundtrack is a classic and it's the song that plays at the end. It was the craziest ending to a movie I had ever seen. Actually, I still think its great. If you want a good war song, I recommend "Leave No Man Behind" from Black Hawk Down. Hans Zimmer is a fucking genius. I heart his music so much.
Haha! I agree with you. The songs I put on here were the songs I listened to on a regular basis in high school because I was an angry drama queen (actually I might still be), but those songs stand out when I feel particularly shitty. I don't really like Metallica's newer stuff either. I do like No Leaf Clover because I heard the song on a bad day years ago and the lyrics "Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel, it's just a freight train coming your way" couldn't sum up how I felt at that time any better.
Ah, Nick Drake. Good stuff!
Oh my. I meant to write "threw" but I put "through". That makes me want to shoot myself in the head.
ReplyDeleteI really suck... I meant "was" instead of "it's" on the lyrics for No Leaf Clover.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand when I spell things wrong or put the wrong words when I meant something else entirely.
Wen won look's onlee att airoars, won butt seas tha wroang. Than tru beutty iss losted.
ReplyDeleteNobody reading your blog minds the errors, only the true beauty.
great blog! - great playlist
ReplyDelete... some of my favourite songs
suede - The asphalt world
manic street preachers - motorcycle emptiness
strangelove - time for the rest of your life
marion - let's all go together
red house painters - uncle joe
there is a light - the smiths - would be in there too (but you'll know that song already!)
- george
You have an excellent taste in music! I love them all! :)