Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Finals just got more complicated...yet easier

Maybe due to all the stress I've put myself through, my body has stopped fighting potential illness. I now have a cold mixed with allergies. Not a good combination incase you were wondering. My head is constantly hurting from my sinuses being all plugged up, my eyes are burning, I have a fever, my lymph nodes in my neck are completely swollen, I haven't started coughing, but I can tell it's only a matter of time. Anytime I get a cold and allergies at the same time, my body completely shuts down. I'm hoping I can get all my projects and papers done before that point or I'm completely screwed.

This morning while getting ready for school, a beautiful thought popped into my head... if I change my Eastern Religions topic to Gandhi's influence on nonviolent movements, then I can kill two birds with one stone and use the same paper for my Peace & Justice Studies class. Instead of writing 17 pages on two unrelated topics. Why not combine the two and only write a 10 page paper that is relevant for both classes? My professors have already stated that we could overlap papers for other classes so... bam...I have a little less to do now.

I still need to stick to my schedule, but now I can do a better job on all my assignments with less work to do. I need to try to relax and allow myself to recover from this cold/allergy nonsense though.


  1. I love his name Mahatmah Ghandi
    (Great Spirit).
    Martin Luther king patterned his
    life after Ghandi.

    When I saw the movie about him
    and at the part where a Hindu man
    confessed to Ghandi, I wept and I
    noticed there were others who also
    did so.

  2. I still need to see the movie! I've been told many many times that I must see it.
