Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Little Things Pt 2

Today I went biking up the canyon and it was so much fun! Sure, Im completely out of shape and I was choking on all the smoke and ash from all the forest fires nearby, but it was still a beautiful day. During the ride, I noticed there were some monarch butterflies flying around the trail and said to my sister "Wow. I honestly havent seen one of those since I was younger." it made my heart smile. One of my absolute favorite childhood memories was of the butterfly migration. Every year there was always one day in June where thousands of monarch butterflies would pass through. One particular time when I was 4, they all flew down my street. It was like a wall of butterflies. I ran outside in the street and stood there with my arms stretched out as the butterflies flew all around me. Their wings lightly flapped against every part of me, including my face. It was the greatest moment of my life at that point. I recalled that memory while riding and it made me smile. I had only seen maybe 3 butterflies along the trail instead of thousands, but it made me happy. My sister and I had probably been riding for another mile and a half when I saw another monarch butterfly flying around the trail. I said "I love this! It makes me so happy to see these butterflies." As soon as I said that, the butterfly started following my sister and I and weaving around us. And then it flew really close to me and flapped it's wings against my arm and then landed on my shoulder. It stayed for only 4 seconds but it made my entire day. It was perfect in every way. I dont think Ive smiled that much in awhile.


  1. I love it when things happen out of the blue
    like that and just completely change your
    mind-set ... and I just love the fact that
    something nature related can do that to

  2. 'butterfly migration' - didn't even know such a
    thing existed!! wow ... I've only ever seen a
    few together ... I think I would die from my heart
    bursting with joy if I saw such a thing!

  3. I was thinking the exact same thing over the past few weeks as I saw a few monarchs as well!! When I was young, my next door neighbor had a big bush at the corner of their home where the butterflies would rest. It was the ugliest of bushes, but for a few days every year it was covered in these black and yellow butterflies!! Never could figure out what their draw was to that bush!! What caused the interuption in those mass migrations, anyway???
